An increasing number of adults are now opting for braces. In fact, entire products and brands have evolved solely for orthodontic treatment of adults. Some of these include Invisalign, Incognito, Harmony etc. Many adults often get interested in orthodontics when their kids are getting their teeth straightened with braces. Probably seeing the effects for themselves, sparks the interest. Do you feel you need braces? Here is a simple quiz you can take to find out. Question 1 – Are any of my teeth turned, or twisted? Teeth should line up so that the sides of the teeth touch each other. If there is a shortage of space, the teeth may be turned or twisted, so that they look crooked. A good indication of this, could be that you cannot easily pass a piece of floss between your teeth. Question 2 – Do I have gaps between my teeth? Again, if there are gaps between your teeth, it can mean that there is excessive space in you jaw, and this can be addressed with orthodo...